Rosy 500ml
hand sanitizer is the perfect solution with 70% alcohol for hand hygiene at home, the office, while you travel or simply anywhere, anytime. It stops the transition of disease causing microbes and cleanses your skin while protecting you against 99.99% germs & viruses.
This is a gentle formula that does not dry out or irritate skin so your hands feel soft even after many uses. Its durable pump cap dispenses an optimal quantity of sanitizer for each use. With this no rinse hand sanitizer, you don’t need to wash your hands at all, and you can use it on the go! Better yet, it won’t leave a sticky or tacky residue.
Take out an appropriate amount (2-3ml) of the hand sanitizer to moisten your palm and rub for 10-15 seconds front back to front and in-between your fingers until the liquid covers your hands and dries completely before touching other surfaces.
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